Where does Pure One come from?
Pure One begins as rainfall above Mount Taranaki, on the West Coast of New Zealand. Slowly the water starts its voyage deep beneath the earth until it reaches an ancient artesian aquifer deep beneath the earth's surface.
What is an artesian aquifer and how is it formed?
Our natural alkaline mineral water comes from one of the world’s oldest aquifers - the Matemateāonga Formation. Late Miocene to early Pliocene in age (3.6 - 11.6 million years), it is one of the oldest aquifers in New Zealand.
An artesian aquifer is naturally formed underground, confined by layers of permeable rock and other material, where water has travelled to. The aquifer exists under such geological pressure that this forces the water upward naturally.
Pure One is the only known water in New Zealand whose source comes from The Matemateāonga Formation, resulting in one of the most unique mineral waters in the world.
How do you get the water from the artesian aquifer?
We reach the aquifer through the Bonithon No-1 Well; a deep, 1,000m sealed well that was originally drilled in 1906 in the hopes of finding oil, however, they discovered warm mineral water instead.
As the aquifer is artesian, this means that the water flows naturally to the surface without the need for any heavy machinery that could be damaging to the earth.
How do you know Pure One is the oldest known mineral water in New Zealand?
Pure One has been scientifically assessed as being at least 46,000 years old, making it the oldest known mineral water in New Zealand.
Scientists at GNS Science (a New Zealand Crown Research Institute), are able to depict the age of our water through carbon isotope testing.
'We know your water sample is at least 46,000 years old, but it could be much, much older than that - it was too old to be measured by radiocarbon with any accuracy.'
How do you know that Pure One comes from one of the deepest aquifers in New Zealand?
Pure One comes from a 1,000m sealed well, making it one of the deepest aquifers in New Zealand.
Mineral Water vs Spring Water - What's the difference? (TDS)
Water's subtle taste and character are determined by the type and amount of minerals it contains (Total Dissolved Solids, or TDS). TDS is the most critical factor giving water its taste and character, the higher the mineral content, the more distinct a water's taste can be.
Regulations regarding TDS vary throughout the world, however, like the U.S, Australiasian bottled water must contain at least 250 mg/L TDS to be labelled as mineral water, anything under that amount results in the water being spring water.
Pure One’s TDS is 780 mg/L - we are the only known mineral water of its kind in New Zealand, meaning you will be discovering what a true New Zealand mineral water tastes like for the very first time (you'll find that most waters are spring or have a much lower TDS profile).
Why does Pure One taste different?
You will be able to taste a difference from your very first sip of Pure One due to our higher TDS profile; this contributes to our soft, almost sweet taste and smooth finish, leaving a silky texture on the palate - it is unmistakable and truly unique.
What 17 Essential Minerals are in Pure One?
Pure One is the only known mineral water of its kind in New Zealand to have 17 of the 21 minerals considered essential for human health.
Essential minerals are nutrients required by the body for various aspects of human health. These minerals cannot by produced by the body and therefore have to be provided by our diets every day for optimum health.
Our 17 essential mineral include:
- Calcium (Ca)
- Magnesium (Mg)
- Sodium (Na)
- Potassium (K)
- Phosphorius (P)
- Chloride (CI-)
- Iron (Fe)
- Zinc (Zn)
- Colbalt (Co)
- Copper (Cu)
- Manganese (Mn)
- Molybdenum (Mo)
- Iodine (I)
- Selenium (Se)
- Boron (B)
- Vanadium (Va)
- Chromium (Cr)
Is Pure One good for athletes?
Unlike artificial sports drinks, Pure One is 100% Natural. Our well-balanced electrolytes help to rebalance and replenish your body throughout the day, as well as during periods of high-intensity exercise.
Not only does our mineral water contain valuable nutrients, but it also contains zero sugar and zero calories.
Pure One's electrolyte levels:
Sodium: 342 mg/L
Chloride: 38 mg/L
Potassium: 3.3 mg/L
Calcium: 3.8 mg/L
Magnesium: 1.3 mg/L
What makes Pure One antioxidant?
Pure One has naturally occurring selenium! Antioxidants like selenium help reduce oxidative stress by keeping free radical numbers in check. They work by neutralising excess free radicals and protecting cells from damage caused by oxidative stress.
Pure One is one of the only waters in New Zealand that has a naturally occurring antioxidant, most other waters have antioxidants artificially added or don't have any antioxidants present at all.
If a water says that it is antioxidant, be sure to check what antioxidant this is and whether it is natural or not.
Is Pure One tested?
Pure One is tested regularly and complies with the New Zealand Health Regulations, National Program level 3: Manufactures of non-alcoholic beverages/water, to ensure the highest quality.
Do you add anything to Pure One?
No, we do not! All of the components found in our water are naturally occurring, the same goes for our pH. Our water is 100% natural and unaltered from the purity of its origins, as it should be.
What is Nitrate and what is your Nitrate level?
A water’s nitrate levels are a good indication of the purity of the water’s source. These levels show how protected the water is from its surroundings as nitrate is an inorganic compound linked to human activity (introduced through the application of fertiliser containing nitrogen compounds; through decomposing animal wastes; and through septic systems and sewage treatment facilities).
Levels of nitrate in water:
Superior: 0-1 mg/L
Very Good: 1-4 mg/L
Good:4-7 mg/L
Acceptable: 7-10 mg/L
Potable: 10-50 mg/L
Our nitrate level is <0.2 mg/L, which puts us in the 'superior' category. We have one of the lowest nitrate levels in the world, a true hallmark of the purity of our water source.
Is there fluoride in your water?
Pure One contains naturally occurring Calcium Fluoride, there is no Sodium Fluoride (Sodium Hydrofluorosilicic Acid) added to our water. Everything found in our water is 100% natural.
Industrial wase - Sodium Fluoride, is 85 times more toxic than natural Calcium Fluoride. Both of them contain fluoride, but they are totally different compounds.
Calcium is a well-known antidote for fluoride poisoning. When an antidote accompanies a poison, it makes the poison far less toxic to the body. Soft waters to which fluoride is artificially added lack this calcium which is present in most waters that contain natural fluoride.
"The claim that fluoridation is one of 'natures experiments' is invalid because the salts put into the water supply sodium fluoride or silicofluorides, are industrial products never found in natural water or in organisms."
"They are, furthermore, notoriously toxic, sufficiently so to be used as rat poison or insecticide. Calcium Fluoride, on the other hand, which is the form commonly found in natural waters, is non-toxic enough for such uses. Calcium Fluoride is absorbed into the body at a rate of 2%, where are Sodium Fluoride is 70%."
"Sodium Hydrofluorosilicic Acid is one of the most reactive chemical species known to man. It; inactivates 62 enzymes, increases the aging process, increases the incidence of cancer tumour growth, disrupts the immune system, causes genetic damage, interrupts DNA repair-enzyme activity, increases arthritis, and, is a systemic poison."
- Dr, C. G. Dobbs, (PhD., A.R.C.S) Bangor, Wales, England
Do you treat Pure One?
Legally in New Zealand water must be treated in some way before it is sold commercially. We ozonate our water to guarantee quality and freshness before we bottle it at source.
What is ozone?
The ozonation process is used to eliminate any impurities that may be present in water, without adding any chemicals or, altering the water's mineral components.
How does this process work? Ozonation occurs when a single oxygen molecule is split into two separate oxygen atoms. These atoms are able to react with other oxygen molecules to create ozone.
Where do I store my water?
As we are a mineral water, we recommend keeping your bottles & containers away from the sunlight as best as possible. Always try to store your water containers in a cool, shaded place.
Do I need to clean my containers/bottles?
Yes. Due to our higher TDS level we recommend that you clean your containers/bottles out regularly to help prevent mineral build-up.
We recommend cleaning your containers around every 4 weeks or less.
We suggest using Milton Sterilising tablets which you can purchase from the supermarket, or, white vinegar and warm water.